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2024 Agency League results released

By January 15, 2025CMA News

Ridgemount remain top of the CMA Agency League with the release of the latest eagerly awaited set of results following the 2024 Awards where they won seven categories, including Agency of the Year.

Think Tank, winner of two Awards, overtook Fabrick to claim second place while SLG Agency jumped one spot to finish 2024 in fourth spot.

The big mover was once again Lesniak Swann, up from 18th to ninth in 2023, they won three more Awards in 2024, including back-to-back PR Agency of the Year honours to claim fifth spot.

The top 20 up to and including the 2024 Awards (2023 position in brackets)

  1. Ridgemount (1)
  2. Think Tank (3)
  3. Fabrick (2)
  4. SLG Agency (5)
  5. Lesniak Swann (9)
  6. Refresh (4)
  7. Unhooked (8)
  8. CIB (11)
  9. WAA Chosen (12)
  10. Harris Creative (10)
  11. Insynth Marketing (13)
  12. Good Eggs (6)
  13. Ginger Digital (15)
  14. Cyon Agency (16)
  15. On The Tools (17)
  16. MRA (7)
  17. Built For Marketing (14)
  18. Wyatt International (19)
  19. The Armstrong Partnership (20)
  20. Technical Marketing & PR (21)

Technical Marketing & PR are the only new entry into the top 20 this year with Ripple and SWW Marketing still knocking at the door.

See all the agencies’ work in the online gallery of entries.

The Construction Marketing Awards Agency League looks at a rolling four-year window of results from the Construction Marketing Awards, awarding five points for a win, three for a high commendation, and one for a spot on a shortlist.

While it is a numerical evaluation of performance in the Awards, and as such provides a gauge of capability and quality, it should not be taken on its own as a recommendation. While some use it as a tool to populate a pitch list, clients should do their homework carefully before appointing an agency!

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