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Marketing, Sales, or Schmarketing?

By April 30, 2021July 8th, 2021CMA News

Our webinar hosted jointly with Insynth focussed on using data to guide your marketing strategy explored how construction companies can approach the collection, analysis and use of data in marketing.

We talked about how many construction companies struggle with outdated legacy systems storing incomplete or poor quality information. The separation between sales and marketing – both in data terms, and more spiritually – came in for some discussion. One speaker, Dan Tyre of Hubspot, said the winning approach was to do away with the difference – not sales, not marketing, but Schmarketing.

Certainly key to success is breaking down the silos, and getting to what Leigh Simpson of Insynth described as “the single source of truth”.  Doing this will help businesses make better decisions, and importantly for marketers, bring marketing to the forefront. “Using data in a scientific way to understand the market and make decisions will raise the profile of marketing in the boardroom, ” said Leigh.

Collecting and organising your data in a structured way is key. Knowing what metrics to use will drive your analysis and reporting.

On communications management, there was some discussion of A/B testing. “It’s important to test the comms we deliver, but most important to measure, review and analyse,” said Leigh.

Testing the comms is a key part of, as Kate Perrin of Barbour put it, “communicating the right message, at the right time, to the right person, every time.”

We were also treated to an engaging case study from Sound Zero, an acoustic dampening manufacturer who had brought in a data riven marketing strategy, leading to some impressive results.

Watch the webinar on demand using the viewer below.