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How the CMA’s were won: No. 1 Best in-house marketing team

By November 15, 2011CMA News

The Construction Marketing Awards, presented this year on 29th November, give the construction industry the opportunity to recognise its very best marketing campaigns. Winners are invited to contribute a summary of their entry to this blog:  today it is Apollo, winner of the Best In House Marketing Team category

In November 2009, marketing was given standalone status within Apollo for the first time in its history.

Set against national economic downturn, Apollo’s new marketing department had a challenging task ahead.  The first strategic decision in meeting this challenge was to cut agency support and build an in-house team that could deliver far better internal communications, with minimal increase in cost.

With a clear strategy in place to weather the economic storm and grow into a national provider of integrated property services, the Board understood the importance of retaining Apollo’s high standards, unique culture and excellence in health, safety and sustainability.  They also recognised people as key to Apollo’s success.  So, Marketing’s objective – to ensure all employees were kept informed, engaged and encouraged through difficult economic times – was acknowledged as playing a vital part in Apollo achieving its long-term vision.

Against this backdrop, Marketing set out to make dramatic improvements to staff communications and success is notable. Today, Apollo’s unique culture remains and all employees, across regions and workstreams, have clarity on the company’s business objectives, understanding the importance of maintaining high levels of commitment to health, safety, sustainability and quality.

Also, by creating an in-house team, Marketing has had a huge impact on Apollo without breaking the budget. Costs have grown just marginally, while productivity, quality and consistency have increased dramatically.

Better still, while competitors have been forced to close, Apollo remains a growing, financially-stable company (ranked 50 in Sunday Times Top Track 250, 2010) people want to work for. Its employees continue to be recognised as the driving force behind achieving the business vision; to become a national provider of integrated property services and, what’s more, Marketing is now valued as key to Apollo’s continuing success.

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