Rules of Entry

  • Entries are £120 + VAT each and you may enter any number of categories. All entrants are responsible for any and all costs incurred in preparing their entry and submitting it for consideration.
  • For any of your entries to progress to the shortlist we will require payment of the outstanding entry fee + VAT immediately after your entry has been submitted.
  • Entries must be received no later than Friday 19th September 2025
  • You may enter any number of categories but each one must be accompanied by a separate entry form.
  • Text should be limited to no more than 1,000 words for the entry and 200 words for the summary.
  • All or part of the entry may be displayed free of any reproduction fees by any media supporting the awards.
  • Entrants should ensure that there are no copyright restrictions on any of the material submitted.
  • Marketing entered must uphold best practice and not cause offense, be abusive, prejudice or misleading in nature.
  • The decision of the judging panel is final and no discussion or correspondence relating to any of their decisions will be entered into.
  • Entrants should make the organisers aware of any conflict of interest with their entry content and members of the judging panel.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Entries for the CMA awards can only be accepted online.
  2. Entries are £120 + VAT each and you may enter any number of categories. All entrants are responsible for any and all costs incurred in preparing their entry and submitting it for consideration.
  3. For any of your entries to progress to the shortlist we will require payment of the outstanding entry fee + VAT immediately after your entry has been submitted.
  4. Judging Criteria – Entrants should carefully note the judging criteria, they are the basis that will be used to determine the winners.
  5. Instructions for entry – entries which do not comply with the instructions for entry may, at the judges’ discretion, be rejected. Entrants will not be informed if their entry is rejected. No correspondence will be entered into.
  6. Work entered should be have been completed between June 2024 and August 2025
  7. For category 10. Best Branding & Positioning, any projects entered should have been completed between June 2023 and August 2025.
  8. Judges may decide to reassign an entry from one category to another if they feel it better meets the entry criteria.
  9. Anyone completing an entry will be deemed to have the authority to do so on behalf of any agency or client company involved in or mentioned in the entry. Neither CIMCIG nor Construction Marketing Events or any of their subcontractors can be held liable for any claim or loss arising from this or any other breach of these terms & conditions.
  10. The judges’ decisions shall be absolutely final and binding on all entrants. No correspondence will be entered into.
  11. Any material submitted for entry may be reproduced freely and at no cost by CIMCIG or Construction Marketing Events or their agents in connection with the CMAs. All material shall be deemed free of copyright or other encumbrance, neither CIMCIG nor Construction Marketing Events shall be held liable for any claim or liability arising from such use.
  12. Winners, those Highly Commended, and Finalists (those who are included on the published shortlists) are entitled to use the appropriate official logo graphics provided by the Organiser of the Awards to promote their success. These should be the only graphics used. Descriptions of the entrant’s degree of success in prose shall clearly refer to only the success achieved. Use of the ‘Winner’, ‘Highly Commended’ and ‘Finalist’ designation is restricted to the client and one additional organisation per entry, both of whom must be named within the entry submission.
  13. All information regarding the results will be embargoed for publication until after the Awards Presentation Dinner.
  14. Finalists that are small businesses located outside SE England may apply for a ‘CIMCIG Finalist Bursary’ which exists to support promising small businesses in the construction sector. If successful they will receive a bursary towards the cost of tickets to attend the CMA gala dinner. Award of the ‘CIMCIG Finalist Bursary’ is at the discretion of the organisers of the CMAs.