Kiran Suryanarayana speaks to industry professionals and former CMA award winners about their professional journey
Anna Hern – Managing Director, Ridgemount

Anna Hern picking up one of two Awards that Ridgemount won at the 2022 CMAs, with colleagues Sydney Harris-McKenzie, Senior Digital Manager, (left) and Hannah Lindsay, Project Manager
How would you describe your role?
I’m Managing Director – so I’m responsible for running the company and ensuring it stays solvent. I also provide strategy advise for all of our clients, ensuring that we keep the campaigns fluid and dynamic. I also write copy.
How did you land the job?
I originally joined Ridgemount coming back from maternity leave. I had sold my shares in the company where I was previously a director, so couldn’t really go back there. I phoned the then owner of Ridgemount to find out if she needed an experienced pair of hands – turns out that she did.
How was the transition from being an employee to owning the company?
Scary and exhilarating. Raising a mortgage on your house in exchange for a dicey-looking enterprise in the midst of a recession is not an easy proposition to get past your husband.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Seeing the amazing new things we can offer our clients and developing the service offer to keep ahead of a fast-moving marketing environment.
Is there anything you hate about it?
Nothing. I love the industry and I am lucky to have a job which is different every day.
What’s your next challenge?
Continuing to innovate. Ridgemount has transformed itself in two years and keeping up the pace of innovation – constantly offering new services – is challenging (but also fun).
Looking back now, what would you tell your younger self?
Trust yourself. Make difficult decisions quicker and don’t be so scared to take risks.