The winner of this category could be a re-branding or repositioning of an existing brand, or the launch of a new brand. It is likely to display good use of market research to inform the creative and strategy, and a managed and coherent execution probably across multiple platforms.

As with other communication categories, entrants should demonstrate effectiveness against the following criteria:

  • There are clear objectives for the branding activity and these are linked to the company’s overall marketing objectives.
  • The audience is well defined and researched.
  • The branding is innovative, original, and creatively designed for that target audience, and aligned to the objectives.
  • That the budget was appropriate, and that cost effectiveness has been managed, with a clear demonstration of ROI.
  • The objectives were measurably achieved (or exceeded) and that the branding activity can be shown to have achieved its goals.

We would like to require that one of the attachments is a copy of the branding guidelines before *and* after the campaign.

Any projects entered should have been completed between June 2022 and August 2024.

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