Successful marketing is built on clear, high quality strategic thinking. A clear understanding of the market environment in which a business operates, coupled with well developed strategy underpins commercial success.
This award recognises excellence in strategic planning and management. The winners will need to clearly demonstrate that they have gathered the market knowledge required using internal and / or external resources and used it in preparing a structured marketing strategy. Entrants should seek to include some or all of the following elements in their submissions:
- An identification of a market knowledge gap or a requirement to improve market understanding.
- The production of a strategic plan with measurable actions.
- A process of regular reviewing and updating of the information if required
- Creativity, novelty and originality.
- That the strategy proved cost effective in relation to the level of success, demonstrating good ROI.
- And most importantly, an indication that the process has been well managed and delivered tangible results.
Note: It is recognised that the information contained in an entry could be commercially sensitive. It will therefore only be judged by persons having no conflict of interests and information contained within the entry will remain confidential and not be shared with a third party without prior permission.